
Uttarakhand CM : PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI is new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat

PUSHKAR SINGH DHAM I is chosen as 10th chief minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat resigned from his post. Nearly a constitutional crisis has come, The way CMs are changing and has led to instability in Uttarakhand. WHO IS PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI? Dhami is an Indian politician and member of Uttarakhand legislative assembly from khatima constituency from udham singh nagar district. ACHIEVEMENTS OF PUSHKAR DHAMI  :  Dhami has served as President of bjp youth wing BYJM and is quite popular among youths. He also worked in AKHIL BHARATIYA VIDYARTHI PARISHAD Today, early morning BJP held a meeting and decided to replace Tirath singh rawat with Pushkar singh dhami and led to stability in Uttarakhand. Though election has almost approached the uttarakhand and expected to be in first half of 2022.

Top 5 plants useful for fresh air

Plants are helpful for good health, also it refreshes mood of people within minutes. When it Comes to pollution,  Plants do a lot in fighting pollution, mainly air pollution.  Currently AIR QUALITY INDEX (AQI) is 277 which is proven as highly dangerous, can cause major diseases like  Lung cancer, Acute lower respiratory infections, and stroke which occur when blood supply is cut off.    Must Read:  Best Apps to learn different languages online HOW PLANT HELPS IN FIGHTING POLLUTION? They  help in improving the quality of air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen , increasing humidity by transpiring water vapor and passively absorb pollutants on the surface of leaves and on to the plant root-soil system.                                    Process of Transpiration...                  ...

top 10 motivating books to read during lockdown .

Books are a knowledgeable source to pass time as well as to gain some experience of others and surely to make us a best human .  Some books are recommended below to read them surely to change yourself and utilize your time and to invest your time during lockdown :   1.the power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale  Book which exhibits your positive side , can provide you positive vibes and make you more attractive and can develop your personality . 2.think and grow rich by nepolean hills  3.the magic of thinking big by David schwartz 4.the monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma 5.. The 5 second rule by Mel mobins 6. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey  7.the power of now by Eckhart tolle 8.stop worrying , start doing by dale Carnegie  9.the last lecture by Randy pausch 10. Start with why by Simon sinek   *Bonus : ignited minds by APJ ABDUL KALAM  ...

रवीश कुमार : बोलना ही हैं ।

               रवीश कुमार  : बोलना ही है                                 पृष्ठ संख्या : 211               लेखक :  रवीश कुमार               कीमत। :  250               कुल अध्याय  : 12     खूबी :रचनात्मक, रोचक बातें, पन्नों पर लिखा आज      रैमोंन मैगसेसे अवॉर्ड 2019 से सम्मानित          नाम से ही जानदार यह किताब उन व्यक्तियों  के लिए खास लिखी गई है जिन्हे राजनीति में दिलचस्पी हो। जिसे दुनिया में हो रहे अच्छे बुरे की समझ हो।  जिसे चीजों को परखना आता हो जो होने वाली चीजों से चौकन्ना रहे। किताब के बारे में : इस पुस्तक में समकालीन भारत की वस्तुस्थिति की सटीक आलोचना की गई है। आज के समय में ऐसी पुस्तकों की जरूरत थी। 2 . हर एक पन्ने में खतरों को आगाह किया गया है जिससे आजकल हम घिर...

review of book 12th fail

                      twelfth fail                             (Saima parveen)                    पृष्ठ संख्या - 175                    लेखक - अनुराग पाठक                    प्रकार - उपन्यास उड़ान हमेशा ऊंची भरनी चाहिए , नहीं मिलेगी सफलता तो कोई ग़म नहीं  , पंख तो मजबूत होंगे ।  यह कहानी है एक लड़के की जो बारहवीं (12) कक्षा का विद्यार्थी था ,  और ट्वेल्थ में फेल हो गया ।   यह कहानी है उस  छात्र के 12वीं फेल से लेकर आईपीएस अफसर बनने तक की  । इस उपन्यास में बताया गया है कि किस तरह एक लापरवाह लड़का जिसका उपन्यास के अलावा किसी विषय को पढ़ने में मन न लगता आज इस मुकाम पर पहुंच गया कि नाम के आगे आईपीएस लगता है ।         *आईपीएस मनोज शर्मा जो इस उप...

everything about RCA (residential coaching academy)

          Residential coaching Academy               Free coaching with hostel facility.  For minorities SCs , STs , and for women . RCA(residential coaching Academy of Jamia Millia Islamia University) #General rule to keep in mind :  1. Test will be in written form . Which comprise of GS(objective type) . Medium will be Hindi and English .  Medium of writing essay will be in Hindi, English and Urdu .  Total duration of exam will be 3 hours . 2. If I talk about negative marking  the negative marking for wrong answer , it  would be one third (1/3rd) .  3. Entrance will divided into two papers . paper 1 and Paper 2 .   paper 1 will be having objective questions on OMR sheets which will carry 60 question .  total marks for paper 1 =60 Paper 2 Essay writing Writing of essays will carry 60 marks. Candidate have to write two essays of 30 marks each (30x2 =60) A person have to c...


                          विज्ञापन                                ~साएमा परवीन  विज्ञापन से आशय ऐसे दृश्य  , लिखित व मौखिक संदेशों से है जो जनता को प्रयोग करने के लिए प्रेरित करने हेतु पत्र -  पत्रिका और रेडियो ,  टेलीविज़न , ट्रक, बस  , रेलगाड़ी व अन्य साधनों द्वारा सामान्य जनता तक पहुंचाए जाते हैं ।  विज्ञापन शब्द को दिमाग में रखकर यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि जो दिखता है वही बिकता है जो चीज विज्ञापन में उनके द्वारा दिखाई जाती है उसके ज्यादा द बिकने की भी संभावना होती है ।  विज्ञापन लोगों को  उत्पादो ,  मुद्दों और अधिक के बारे में जागरूक करने का अच्छा तरीका है  । जैसे उदाहरण के तौर :  पर हाल ही के हैंड वॉश  डेटॉल और लाइफबॉय के विज्ञापन में अंत में यह जोड़ दिया गया है कि कोरोनावायरस से बचने के लिए लाइव बाय से हाथ धोएं ,  इसके कारण लोगों को लगेगा कि कोरोनावाय...

guru Ravidas jayanti

              Guru Ravidas jayanti                             ~saima parveen     दोहा – हरि-सा हीरा छांड कै, करै आन की आस।              ते  नर जमपुर जाहिंगे, सत भाषै रविदास हिन्दी अर्थ – रविदास जी कहते है की , हीरे से बहुमूल्य हरी यानि ईश्वर को छोड़कर अन्य चीजो की आशा करते है उन्हें अवश्य ही नर्क जाना पड़ता है ।  अर्थात प्रभु की भक्ति को छोडकर इधर उधर भटकना व्यर्थ है । Guru Ravidas jayanti is the birthday of guru Ravidas, on full moon day /magh Purnima in the month of magh Purnima . On this day , amritbani guru Ravidas ji is read , nishaan is changed ceremonially and special arti and Nagar kirtan . And then proceed while bearing the guru's portrait to the streets of temple locality . Devotees take holy dip in the river to perform rites. Sant Ravidas : he was one of the great Saint , philosopher , poet , social reforme...


                 Cancer and it's curations                             ~saima parveen how cancer begins ? ~through cells how ? Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of  abnormal cells anywhere in our body , these abnormal cells are termed as cancer cells  / malignant cells/ tumor cells. These cells infiltrate normal body tissues. ~cells are the basic units that make up the Human body. cells grow and divide ,  to make new cells as per  body's  requirement . cells does this  when they get too old or damaged ,  then new cells takes place. situation when cell start to grow uncontrollably ,  these cells form a mass called tumor . # fact : cancers are not confined to only humans , but animals and other living organisms do catch cancers  What are the reasons for cancer ? 1. weight of a person : weigh...


                  CORONA VIRUS                             ~saima parveen china needs to understand this CORONA VIRUS is a group of virus that cause diseases in mammals and birds , it has possibilities of human transmission . China National health commission reports more than 600 new cases of corona virus adding to 1,200 reported earlier today. Now currently there are 8,000 cases reported. new hospitals has been opened for curing corona virus WHO declared national emergency over corona virus in Kerala, Kerala student is the 1st confirmed case of corona virus. Till today there are 3 confirmed cases has been reported. ~What are the preventions of this ? 1.) wear mask during travelling 2.) do not consume wild birds and animals like bats and birds 3.) do not be careless with your sanitation like , wash hands after shaking , touching and befo...