
Showing posts with the label #Jerusalem

Uttarakhand CM : PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI is new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat

PUSHKAR SINGH DHAM I is chosen as 10th chief minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat resigned from his post. Nearly a constitutional crisis has come, The way CMs are changing and has led to instability in Uttarakhand. WHO IS PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI? Dhami is an Indian politician and member of Uttarakhand legislative assembly from khatima constituency from udham singh nagar district. ACHIEVEMENTS OF PUSHKAR DHAMI  :  Dhami has served as President of bjp youth wing BYJM and is quite popular among youths. He also worked in AKHIL BHARATIYA VIDYARTHI PARISHAD Today, early morning BJP held a meeting and decided to replace Tirath singh rawat with Pushkar singh dhami and led to stability in Uttarakhand. Though election has almost approached the uttarakhand and expected to be in first half of 2022.

kabul school attack : why attack and what can be done now?

When others were busy with Jerusalem,  3 major bomb exploded near girls school in afghanistan's capital, kabul. Which lead to death of 100 till now. Many of the students aged  between 11 to 15 years.  Netizens named the attack as Shia genocide.  Kabul , capital of Afghanistan in South Asia. Bordered by Pakistan  to east and South. Composed mostly of ethnic Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks.  Kabul has been a centre of bomb attacks since a long. If we go through the history of Kabul attacks, we will get to know that in 2008, 2009, and in 2010 there were almost 4 - 5 attacks per year, but after 2017 the number of attacks increased from 7 to 22 - 24. For now kabul has become hub of attacks and explosions . Who was responsible for this(Kabul school) terrorist attack? How a lot of students died? Why there is always violence in Afghanistan? Who is behind all of these?   1.President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani suggested "Pakistan to pla...