Guru Ravidas jayanti ~saima parveen
दोहा – हरि-सा हीरा छांड कै, करै आन की आस। ते नर जमपुर जाहिंगे, सत भाषै रविदास
हिन्दी अर्थ – रविदास जी कहते है की , हीरे से बहुमूल्य हरी यानि ईश्वर को छोड़कर अन्य चीजो की आशा करते है उन्हें अवश्य ही नर्क जाना पड़ता है । अर्थात प्रभु की भक्ति को छोडकर इधर उधर भटकना व्यर्थ है ।
Guru Ravidas jayanti is the birthday of guru Ravidas, on full moon day /magh Purnima in the month of magh Purnima .
On this day , amritbani guru Ravidas ji is read , nishaan is changed ceremonially and special arti and Nagar kirtan .
And then proceed while bearing the guru's portrait to the streets of temple locality .
Devotees take holy dip in the river to perform rites.
Sant Ravidas : he was one of the great Saint , philosopher , poet , social reformer and follower of God in india during 25th century .
He was also a leading star of
" nirguna sampradaya" means sant parampara and lead the north Indian bhakti movement .
He was given variety of spritual and social message through his great writings of poetry to his lovers , followers , community people , society people to reform their mind and show their boundless love towards God .
He was a spiritually rich person worshipped by people .
People used to hear , recite his great songs at every morning and night.
Facts you should know :
Guru Ravidas ji was born on : 1377 AD
His mother's name was : smt. Kalsa deviji
His father's name was: shri Santokh dass ji
Wife of Ravidas ji : smt.sona ji
Death : in varanasi in 1540 AD
Biography (jivani) of Ravidas ji :
Guru sant Ravidas was born in Harijan caste in varanasi to mata kalsa devi ji and baba Santokh dass ji In india in 15th century .
His real birth date is still controversial
Some estimate 1376 AD , some says
1377 AD and other says 1399 AD .
His father was working as sarpanch at raja nagar Mal's kingdom and has his own business of shoe making and repairing .
Guru ji was very brave and devoted to god since childhood later he suffered with lots of problem created by upper caste which he faced and let people realize about facts of life through his writings and songs . He taught people to always love your neighbours without any discrimination .
His birth anniversary is still celebrated by his great folllowers to remember his great teachings as well as renew the establishment of peace and brotherhood all over the world . During his earlier childhood his teachings , his teachings were prohibited by conservative Brahmins living in Kashi as he was also a untouchable guru .
Early education :
In his childhood , he went to paathshala of his guru pt.sharda nand who was later restricted to some higher caste people to get admitted to pathshala .
He was a brilliant student and knew more than his teacher ,(pt.sharda nand)
Conjugative life :
His love and devotion towards God was the main reason of distraction from his professional business and family ...though his parents were worry too.
For this type of behavior , his father sent Him , to manage his social affairs without taking help of any family property .
Then he started living in the backyard of his own house and totally included in social affairs .
Later life :
He became follower of ram raghunath , raja ram chanda , krishna hari , Gobind etc order to show his devotion towards God .
Teachings of guru Ravidas ji :
1.Ravidas ji taught removal of social divisions of caste and gender
2. promoted unity in the pursuit of personal spiritual freedoms.
Few dohas of guru Ravidas ji :
1. दोहा – रविदास’ जन्म के कारनै, होत न कोउ नीच,
नर कूँ नीच करि डारि है, ओछे करम की कीचहिन्दी अर्थ :- रविदास जी कहते है की सिर्फ जन्म लेने से कोई नीच नही बन जाता है लेकिन इन्सान के कर्म ही उसे नीच बनाते है।
2. दोहा – मन चंगा तो कठौती में गंगा
हिन्दी अर्थ :- रविदास जी कहते है की यदि आपका मन और हृदय पवित्र है साक्षात् ईश्वर आपके हृदय में निवास करते है।
3.दोहा – जाति-जाति में जाति हैं, जो केतन के पात,
रैदास मनुष ना जुड़ सके जब तक जाति न जात की।
हिन्दी अर्थ :- रविदास जी कहते है की जिस प्रकार केले के तने को छिला जाये तो पत्ते के नीचे पत्ता फिर पत्ते के नीचे पत्ता और अंत में कुछ नही निकलता है लेकिन पूरा पेड़ खत्म हो जाता है ठीक उसी प्रकार इंसान भी जातियों में बाँट दिया गया है इन जातियों के विभाजन से इन्सान तो अलग अलग बंट जाता है और इन अंत में इन्सान भी खत्म हो जाते है लेकिन यह जाति खत्म नही होती है इसलिए रविदास जी कहते है जब तक ये जाति खत्म नही होंगा तबतक इन्सान एक दुसरे से जुड़ नही सकता है या एक नही हो सकता है।
4.दोहा – हरि-सा हीरा छांड कै, करै आन की आस।ते नर जमपुर जाहिंगे, सत भाषै रविदास
हिन्दी अर्थ – रविदास जी कहते है की हीरे से बहुमूल्य हरी यानि ईश्वर को छोड़कर अन्य चीजो की आशा करते है उन्हें अवश्य ही नर्क जाना पड़ता है अर्थात प्रभु की भक्ति को छोडकर इधर उधर भटकना व्यर्थ है।
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