
Showing posts with the label akhil gogoi nia

Uttarakhand CM : PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI is new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat

PUSHKAR SINGH DHAM I is chosen as 10th chief minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat resigned from his post. Nearly a constitutional crisis has come, The way CMs are changing and has led to instability in Uttarakhand. WHO IS PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI? Dhami is an Indian politician and member of Uttarakhand legislative assembly from khatima constituency from udham singh nagar district. ACHIEVEMENTS OF PUSHKAR DHAMI  :  Dhami has served as President of bjp youth wing BYJM and is quite popular among youths. He also worked in AKHIL BHARATIYA VIDYARTHI PARISHAD Today, early morning BJP held a meeting and decided to replace Tirath singh rawat with Pushkar singh dhami and led to stability in Uttarakhand. Though election has almost approached the uttarakhand and expected to be in first half of 2022.

Indian peasant leader and RTI activist AKHIL GOGOI got discharged from jail

why in news ? Akhil gogoi, Indian peasant leader and RTI activist from Assam is out of jail now. National investigation agency (NIA) clears all the allegations on gogoi this noon on july 1. Story till now : Son of Baluram gogoi, Akhil gogoi  of  Raijor Dal, Gana Mukti Sangram Asom party finally got discharged by NIA after 2 years. He was accused in the case of Citizenship amendment act(CAA) passed by rajya sabha on december 11, 2019.  This was one of his second cases in which he got arrested on december 12 and charged with unlawful activities (prevention) act(UAPA). According to this act, His intention was to threaten the unity, security and sovereignty of India and allegedly inciting violence in the name of Anti CAA protest. Few days ago, Gogoi was granted 2-day parole by NIA court to meet his son and mother.