
Uttarakhand CM : PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI is new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat

PUSHKAR SINGH DHAM I is chosen as 10th chief minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat resigned from his post. Nearly a constitutional crisis has come, The way CMs are changing and has led to instability in Uttarakhand. WHO IS PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI? Dhami is an Indian politician and member of Uttarakhand legislative assembly from khatima constituency from udham singh nagar district. ACHIEVEMENTS OF PUSHKAR DHAMI  :  Dhami has served as President of bjp youth wing BYJM and is quite popular among youths. He also worked in AKHIL BHARATIYA VIDYARTHI PARISHAD Today, early morning BJP held a meeting and decided to replace Tirath singh rawat with Pushkar singh dhami and led to stability in Uttarakhand. Though election has almost approached the uttarakhand and expected to be in first half of 2022.

Gujarat launched second round of vaccination

 Gujarat launched second round of vaccination on sunday (31 jan,2020). This round of vaccination only included frontline workers like: police, district and municipal officials, employees of revenue and civic administration. According to state government, around 54,825 frontline workers were inoculated at 722 vaccination centres across the state. In total 3,00,755(3 lakh, 7 thousand and 55 people) have received the vaccine shots since the vaccination drive has started in January. After taking the shot of vaccine, a Police commissioner said : "I am feeling absolutely fine after getting vaccinated...policemen are highly exposed , so they needed to be vaccinated. This vaccine will protect them from the spreading infection. He also appealed to all the frontline workers to come forward and get vaccinated.

Trans-fat and Government!!!!

Recently news related to trans-fat managed to be in trend. But why???? And what is  trans-fat???? Why there is need to understand about trans-fat??? Though these categories like trans-fat food and diseases related to them never came in Limelight but few days ago in a newspaper (THE HINDU) it was published, and finally this news gained attention of government of India as well as other Nations. what happened/summary : government of India as well as government of other Nations took an eminent step regarding the adulteration or mixing of unwanted substances in oil to earn profit.   Now the whole story: the matter is related to trans-fat and government. First of all what is fat??   Oil, ghee, butter, olive oil, peanut oil, avocado oil, and vegetable oil. These all are the forms of fats, which is generally consumed by almost everybody in India. There are three type of fats 1.Mono-saturated  2.poly-saturated or 3.saturated fatty acids/ trans f...

भूख मीठी या भोजन????

रोटियां उन्हीं की थालियों से कूड़े तक जाती हैं , जिन्हें पता नहीं होता भूख क्या होती है।    2017 में नेशनल हेल्थ सर्वे (NHS) की रिपोर्ट में देश में 19 करोड़ लोग हर रात खाली पेट सोने को मजबूर हैं।  सबसे खतरनाक आंकड़ा यह सामने आया है कि हमारे देश में हर साल पांच साल से कम उम्र के लगभग 4500 बच्चों की मौत भूख और कुपोषण से होती है। हर साल यह आंकड़ा तीन लाख से ज्यादा पहुंच रहा है। 💠खाने की बर्बादी का आंकड़ा 🔻बात की जाए भारत में खाने के बर्बादी की तो आंकड़ा 35% से बढ़कर 41% हो गया है।  मज़े की बात तो यह है कि भारत में जितना खाना बर्बाद होता है उतना यूनाइटेड किंगडम(UK)  में खाया जाता है। और अगर इन आंकड़ों को पैसे से जोड़ा जाए तो 1 साल में 50000 करोड़ का खाना बर्बाद हो रहा है। 🔻 नई जानकारी के मुताबिक भारत में कुल 1 तिहाई खाना बर्बाद हो रहा है। गरीब खेत में, अमीर प्लेट में खाना बर्बाद कर रहे हैं। जहां आधे से ज्यादा लोग भुखमरी से मर रहे हैं दूसरी तरफ इतना खाना बर्बाद किया जा रहा है।   💠आखिर खाना बर्बाद होता क्यो है ? 🔸 शादियो/पार्टियो में खान...

5G - everything merely in one click

                5G : the superfast network 🔺 There is nothing permanent, except "change" , here 4G is going to be changed as 5G.  5g is the 5th generation of mobile network. Its a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G , 3G, and 4G mobile networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects amd devices.  🔻 Advantages of 5G network : 1.5G network enables ultrafast speed and is stronger than all Gs. 2. 5G gives concept of internet of things. 🔸what is internet of things?  actually internet of things is a a concept in which a person can connect every device by their network like  ✴️smartTV  ✴️FM radio ✴️camera of their houses ✴️laptop ✴️health care ✴️virtual reality and smart homes well as compared to all Gs. 🔸 motto of enabling 5G in India is : ✴️to have the advantage of 2 trillion dollar by 2030. ✴️13.2...

farm bills : boon or bane for farmers?

After adding colour to everyone's life, farmers are still living in black and white !!! It's been a week since farmers are protesting!!! why are they protesting? why there is chakka jaam? Why those people are on roads? What are they demanding?  Several questions but answer is same...  these farmers are protesting for farm bills, passed in rajya Sabha on 20th September 2020 by voice vote.  Since that day farmers of Punjab, Haryana and western UP are on roads and demanding to take the decision back.   farmers are stating that this bill is "anti farmer" and "anti labour".  farmers along with bhartiya kisan Sangh (BKS) were upset by these ordinances.  Those Ordinances which dragged the farmers on roads are as following : 1. farmers produce trade and commerce (promotion and facilitation) bill 2020. 2.The farmers (empowerment and protection) agreement on price assurance and farm services bill, 2020.  3.the essential commodities (...

UAPA - a justified law?

Unlawful activities prevention act (UAPA) earlier it was merely a bill but after passing by Lok Sabha on 24 July 2019 it got shaped as an act. As every coin has two sides. similarly, UAPA also has two sides. there are two groups one in support and another one who is still not agree that UAPA is beneficial.  group one believes that, tougher laws are needed to tackle the terrorism, hence believes that UAPA is perfect act.  group two is not on the same page and believes that this can be misused against minorities, human right activists and mainly can be dangerous for those who are literally innocent but had put behind the bars only on the basis of doubts. Let's just find out the origin from where it all started...  let's get back to year 1967, UAPA was just introduced by national integration council (NIC) to parliament. objective of the then UAPA :  1. if there is any terrorist organisation ban it. 2. If any individual supports unlawful activitie...

भारत के महान लेखक/कवि

               देखने में देवता सदृश्य लगता है,                 बंद कमरे में गलत हुक्म लिखता है|                 जिस पापी को गुण नहीं गोत्र प्यारा हो,                 समझो उसी ने हमें मारा है|                          ~रामधारी सिंह दिनकर किसी भाषा के प्रचलित होने में अगर किसी का हाथ होगा तो वह हिंदी के कवि या लेखक का माना जाएगा। किसी भी भाषा के लेखक/कवि को भाषा का दर्पण यानी आइना कहा गया है।   कुछ ऐसे कवि/लेखक हुए हैं जिन्होंने अपनी कलाकारी द्वारा लोगों को मनोरंजन /सीख /कहानियां और ज्ञान बहुत कुछ दिया है। इन्हीं में से कुछ ऐसे लेखक निम्नलिखित भी है :  1.महादेवी वर्मा 2.हरिवंशराय बच्चन 3.सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला 4.सुमित्रानंदन पंत   5.रामधारी सिंह दिनकर  तो चलिए जान लेते हैं इनके बारे में थोड़ी सी जानकारियां ...

qualification of cabinet ministers

1. AMIT SHAH : (minister of Home affairs) Qualifications : BSc in biochemistry {Gujarat University} 2. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN :  (minister of finance and corporate affairs) Qualifications : BA {sithalaxmi Ramaswamy college} MA, MPhil {JNU} 3. RAJNATH SINGH :  (minister of defence) Qualifications: MSc in physics {gorakhpur university}  4. SUBRAMANIYAM JAISHANKAR :  (minister of external affairs ) Qualifications : BA (St. Stephen's College , delhi) MA , MPhil {Jawahar Lal national university} UPSC (1977 batch , IFS officer) 5. PIYUSH VEDPRAKASH GOYAL :  (minister of railways) Qualifications : BCom {HR COLLEGE }  LLB{government law college mumbai} Chartered accountant (CA) 6. NITIN JAIRAM GADKARI :  (minister of road transport and highways) Qualifications : MCom , LLB  {nagpur university}  7. RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD :  (minister of law and justice) Qualificat...

top 10 cleanest railway stations

A railway station is a railway facility where train stops to load freight.  Stations may be at ground level , underground or elevated, it doesn't matters in case of cleanliness.  So here are some railway stations which are cleanest among them all . Some stations you may have visited or have heard . 1.jaipur junction railway station : This station lies in jaipur , rajasthan. Jaipur also serves as headquarters of North Western railway zone of Indian railways since 2002.  2.Jodhpur junction railway station : Jodhpur railway station is major railway station located in Jodhpur , rajasthan , india. The railway station is under the administrative control of North Western railways of Indian railways. 3.durgapur railway station Durgapur is a model railway station on the bardhaman - Asansol section. It is located in pashchim bardhaman district in indian state of West Bengal . 4 .jammu Tawi railway station  Lies in Jammu and Kashm...