
Showing posts from May, 2020

Uttarakhand CM : PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI is new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat

PUSHKAR SINGH DHAM I is chosen as 10th chief minister of Uttarakhand after Tirath singh rawat resigned from his post. Nearly a constitutional crisis has come, The way CMs are changing and has led to instability in Uttarakhand. WHO IS PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI? Dhami is an Indian politician and member of Uttarakhand legislative assembly from khatima constituency from udham singh nagar district. ACHIEVEMENTS OF PUSHKAR DHAMI  :  Dhami has served as President of bjp youth wing BYJM and is quite popular among youths. He also worked in AKHIL BHARATIYA VIDYARTHI PARISHAD Today, early morning BJP held a meeting and decided to replace Tirath singh rawat with Pushkar singh dhami and led to stability in Uttarakhand. Though election has almost approached the uttarakhand and expected to be in first half of 2022.

review of book 12th fail

                      twelfth fail                             (Saima parveen)                    पृष्ठ संख्या - 175                    लेखक - अनुराग पाठक                    प्रकार - उपन्यास उड़ान हमेशा ऊंची भरनी चाहिए , नहीं मिलेगी सफलता तो कोई ग़म नहीं  , पंख तो मजबूत होंगे ।  यह कहानी है एक लड़के की जो बारहवीं (12) कक्षा का विद्यार्थी था ,  और ट्वेल्थ में फेल हो गया ।   यह कहानी है उस  छात्र के 12वीं फेल से लेकर आईपीएस अफसर बनने तक की  । इस उपन्यास में बताया गया है कि किस तरह एक लापरवाह लड़का जिसका उपन्यास के अलावा किसी विषय को पढ़ने में मन न लगता आज इस मुकाम पर पहुंच गया कि नाम के आगे आईपीएस लगता है ।         *आईपीएस मनोज शर्मा जो इस उप...

everything about RCA (residential coaching academy)

          Residential coaching Academy               Free coaching with hostel facility.  For minorities SCs , STs , and for women . RCA(residential coaching Academy of Jamia Millia Islamia University) #General rule to keep in mind :  1. Test will be in written form . Which comprise of GS(objective type) . Medium will be Hindi and English .  Medium of writing essay will be in Hindi, English and Urdu .  Total duration of exam will be 3 hours . 2. If I talk about negative marking  the negative marking for wrong answer , it  would be one third (1/3rd) .  3. Entrance will divided into two papers . paper 1 and Paper 2 .   paper 1 will be having objective questions on OMR sheets which will carry 60 question .  total marks for paper 1 =60 Paper 2 Essay writing Writing of essays will carry 60 marks. Candidate have to write two essays of 30 marks each (30x2 =60) A person have to c...